Check Out Our Latest Daily Options Trading Fund...

Preferred 20.00% Yield....  Profit-sharing at 50%....Secured by Quality Equities....  Easy Liquidity....

Get INSTANT access to all the details by entering your information below: 

SEC Registered Reg. D 506c Fund  |  Proven Track Record

20.00% Preferred Return - Paid Monthly  |  50% Profit Sharing to Investors  |  Daily Cash Returns 

Partner With A Proven Leader In The Options Trading Markets

Here are just a few benefits you'll enjoy as a Bluewater investor:

A 20.00% Preferred Return

50% Profit-sharing

Daily Cash Settlements

Get one of the highest returns available in secured real estate. Paid out monthly!

Investors receive 50% of the net profits of the investment fund.

Each equity option asset is liquidated on a short-term or daily basis - allowing for cash settlements each day

Flexible Liquidity

Low-Risk Investment Assets

Monthly Payments to Investors

Redeem your investment with a liquidity option in as little as 3 months.

Assets are backed by quality, to-rated companies such as Apple, Tesla, NVDIA, Google and others.

Dividend payments are sent to investors each month, creating regular cashflow!

Fast Decisions - Fast Returns!

 Here Is a Sampling of Our Trading Strategy



S&P 500 Index

Call Option Strategy

Call Option Strategy

Put Option Strategy

20 Contracts @ $5.40

Sold at  $6.30

6-Minute Term

$0.90 Profit @ 20 Contracts

$1,800.00 Profit

30 Contracts @ $4.30 each

Sold at $7.15

4-Minute Term

$2.85 Profit @ 30 Contracts

$8,550.00 Profit

30 Contracts @ 16.50 each

Sold at 24.75

2-Minute Term

$8.25 Profit @ 30 Contracts

$24,750 Profit

Utilized a stop limit @ $5.30 to limit risk to $0.10, or $200

Trailing stop protected profits along the way resulting in zero risk

Fast moving index with automatic stop limits protects profits while riding the upside...

Instant Options Trading Generates Consistent Cashflow

Our team of experts has overseen more than $1 Billion in options transactions - and we're told we're the best at it:

"There is nothing more profitable than options trading - if you know what you're doing.  I'm enjoying incredible returns, setting my own schedule, and enjoying life a whole lot more!"

P. Roberts, Miami, FL

"Have been involved with various Funds that this management team has been involved with, and extremely happy with their performance and communication... as well as the profits!"

"I have been involved in options and stock trading for years, but never had the time to do it profitably. It takes skill and patience, and these guys have it nailed.  Glad I learned how to let someone else rake in the profits for me... "

- R. Wilson, Grand Rapids, MI

- R. Putnam, Boston, MA

*Bluewater Option Fund is registered through the Security & Exchange Commission under Regulation D, Section 506c (CIK#1985384). Only accredited investors permitted. This is not a solicitation for membership or investment, as such can only be made through a Private Placement Memorandum and Subscription document as presented, received, reviewed and accepted pursuant to Regulation D of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended. Please read full disclosures regarding this Offering, including the risk factors involved. The numbers and transactions represented are for illustrational purposes only, and may not represent actual returns to investors in this Fund. Logos are trademarks of the respective companies and used for illustrative purposes only

Copyright © 2023. Bluewater Management Services. 625 Kenmoor Ave, Suite 301, Grand Rapids, MI 49546.

(813) 702-9300